How to Fix Google Adsense sellers.json | AdSense Update seller.json | Seller.joson Problem Fix

2020-09-28 4

Sellers.json is an IAB Tech Lab standard that increases transparency in the ads ecosystem and helps to combat fraud. Sellers.json works through a publicly available file of seller information. Publishers can elect to share their individual name or business name (depending on their AdSense account type) in the file. This gives advertisers a reliable way to discover and verify the identity of publishers.

You are having an error in Google Adsense. as"We encourage you to publish your seller information in the Google sellers.json file. Visit the account settings page to review your current visibility status."
Then here in the video, I explained how to fix this spet by step immediately

How to make your seller information transparent
Sign in to your AdSense account.
Click Account.
Select Transparent.
Add your business domain name if you have one.
Your name, domain (if included), and your publisher ID will appear in the Google sellers.json file.

Your business domain
Your business domain is the domain for your corporate entity, not necessarily the domain where inventory is being monetised.

Your business domain name may be hidden in sellers.json until we have verified that you own the URL. Your domain may also be omitted if your account is set to confidential or if you don't have a website.

Use the root domain. Domain names should not include “www” or the scheme (namely, “https://” “http://”, or “ftp://”). Your domain should use a public suffix. Top-level domains should not include the preceding dot.

Use case Example
Supported Domain name and
Not supported Scheme
Not supported Prefix and subdomains and
Not supported Slash
Not supported Unsupported domain suffix and
Intermediary transparency
An account with a seller type of INTERMEDIARY sells inventory in AdSense which isn't owned by the account or isn't paid directly by Google.

Intermediaries and accounts with a seller type of BOTH have is_confidential set to false by default. They do not have access to the “Seller information visibility” control.
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